The school stairs

A year has it been.

POSTED ON: Saturday 22 March 2014 @ 21:14 | 0 comments

I'm taking risks,
Risks of getting my heart,
Mend or broken.

You curved my lips,
You fluttered my heart,
You sent me butterflies,
For a moment,
I thought,
I was the happiest.

You spoke to me today,
For the very first time,
Though in my mind,
You've spoken to me like,
Thousands times.
How I wished it'd happen.
A year it has been,
I still have the 'hopeless' word,
Written all over my face.
I beg you,
I'm exhausted,
I'm sick,
I'm tired.
Change the word.

An old friend.

POSTED ON: Friday 14 March 2014 @ 21:47 | 0 comments

Those regular days were unnoticeable and here we are already, March 2014. Went through my posts and saw my March 2013 entry. It just made me quite starstruck. Lots of things happened. A lot. Since you went away. Since you last texted me. Since we last met. Since you last said my name. Since we last laughed together. Since our last chat. Since you last tweeted me with those typical heart-touching sentences of yours. I realised it has been 3 years.

I wasn't actually dedicating this entry to you but somehow March reminded me of you. Heard that you're coming home this March. I couldn't help it but keep asking myself how you're doing & how my mind wouldn't stop recalling our memories. I miss you and sometimes I just feel like it's wrong. It's wrong to miss you after all I did to you. I'm sorry. I really do.

Guess what I miss the most? How I used to have a real bad day and you came and asked me the reason. I told you almost everything. I asked for your help and you practically did everything for me. You always had a pocket full with advices. Me on the contrary, was the worst friend ever. I still feel like waiting for your text after I got homed and tell you my bad day. You're always there to listen to me. I thanked you a lot for that.

I remember your last heart-touching tweets to me. I found myself scrolling back those tweets sometimes.  I told you I was the worst friend and I didn't deserve to be one of your sweetest memories. But you told me otherwise. Why the heck were you always being nice to me? You told me I could change, but keep us permanent in my mind. I'm going to admit, we will be one of the most permanent things in my mind. You were the first nicest guy I've ever met. Thank you.

How are you doing? Are you okay? Don't you miss home? Don't you miss going to school? Do they treat you well? I heard about the sergeant thingy, was it you? When are you coming back? Why didn't you text me anymore? Why didn't you reply to me? If I tell you my problems, would you still listen? Will we still be friends? Will you still stop and say hi to me? What are you going to do once you're back? Are you going to continue form 6? Do. you. kinda. miss. me. too?

Come home, lulu.


POSTED ON: Thursday 30 January 2014 @ 20:38 | 0 comments

January is the month where I kept finding myself wandering around looking for my lost motivation. It sometimes showed up from no where, and then it faded away slowly behind my back. I could find myself gasping for air, wishing I could find a pause button in my life for a mere second so I could take a deep breathe. Life has been pretty hectic and it made me missed the old days. Those days where I could just be playing around, giving no damn at all.

Life won't let us do that. Life still and always keeps going, no matter if we got cuts all over our bodies, we fell down the ground and we decided not to get up anymore. Time's still ticking. I've told myself to keep going, don't stop for hundreds times. There's one thing that always makes me stay and keeps me holding on, my religion.

My doubts kill me. My insecurities are torturing me. People's words left me scars. How they were whispering and laughing while looking at me made me feel so tiny. How they pointed out my flaws, all I could do was pretended like I don't really mind, but I DO GET OFFENDED MORE THAN ANYONE COULD EVER THOUGHT. I cried when I got home, flashing back their words. I don't have perfect face. I hate myself too.

I want a perfect face, pretty clothes, popularity, cool phone. Just like other girls. I want to be known in school, among the girls, boys, teachers. I want them to look at me and remember my name. I want them compliment me. I want them to say hi to me. I want them to chat and tweet me often. I want to have someone who adores me. I want to have a lot of friends. Only one thing is required to have those things, it's... a pretty face.

Pretty girls get the spotlight. Pretty girls get the attention. Pretty girls get remembered. Society love pretty girls. Well, I don't seem to be one of them. I'm just some regular-faced girl. Maybe to some of people, I'm not good-looking. I hate that word but it describes me. I try to look pretty everyday. But it seems like it only happens in my dreams.

A few people in school might know me as a smart kid. I worked hard for that. But look what happened. Nothing. People still treat me like shit everyday. People still look down on me. I thought if I get good grades people would look at me, even steal a glance but who cares. They love pretty girls. I want to be known. I want people to remember my name. 

I learned something about myself. I get offended easily but I don't show it. I keep it deep inside, it's okay if it hurts. I don't want to say things
 that I shouldn't and then regret it later. Whenever I say I hate people, I don't really hate them. I hate myself.


POSTED ON: Tuesday 30 July 2013 @ 22:48 | 0 comments


Haiii , haii . It's me again . Yalah , siapa lagi kan . Well , hari ni agak awal actually untuk buat entry pasal August but mood saya datangg . Haha .

Birthday siapa ya August ? Lemme think . Ohh , birthday Ziezi's mommy . Dia cer dengan aku hari tu . Untung lah birthday dekat raya . wahh . Siapa lagi yaa ? Ohh birthday si Qayyum . Aiseh macam mna aku ingat ni ? Fb lah mana lagi . Lagipun hari tu diorang cerita2 . Aku pun teringat haha . Ahh hujann . Aku memang nda suka hujan bhaaa . Apalagi kalau malam . Bisingg . Tapi hujan tu rahmat kan , Alhamdulillah .

 Baiklah mari kita mulakan entry  kita malam ini dengan July haha . What's with July ? Ramadhan ! Macam baru sja Ramadhan last year kan ? Cepatnyaa . Rasanya ramadhan tahun nie lagi best dari last year . Tahun ni I feel like ' lebih menghayati ' than last year . Alhamdulillah. Even nda kesampaian ikut Qiam baru2 nie , haihh ndada orang tau macam mana sedih gila nya aku nda dapat ikut . Serious nie . Haihh ndada orang mau dengar keluhan hati ini . Cewahh .

First2 tu , time ada pengumuman tu terus monyok muka . Tapi Fatima ajak , kami pun pergi sja lah . Sekali pergi sana eh eh , ada hati cinta lah . Boohooo :3 . One word , COMEL NYA ANAK ORANG WOIII . Okay2 itu bukan one word sudah tu , abaikan2 . Hahaha . Dia jarang senyum , kalau dia senyum , gahh entahlah apa mau cakap . Pokoknya , comel . Kenapa lah aku begini nie . hahaha

The best thing di sekolah bila puasa , pulang awal . Haha . Betul lah . Kan bagus pulang jam 5 hari2 . Bahagia saya . Hati cinta pun pandai juga dok diam di situ . Biasanya jalan terussss . Ish3 . Pulang awal maka masuk kelas pun awal . Bikin stress oh . Dady selalu ambil lambat . Pernah hari tu jam 12 rekod paling lambat aku diambil . Nangis la apalagi . Haish . Ndamau bha aku lambat . Malas aku menatap muka pengawas2 di pintu pagar tu . Errrr . Tulis nama lah apalah . Aihh heck . Nasib baik hidung ku nda ketara merah habis nangis . Bahahaha ==" . 

So hari nie , masuk  hari ke 21 puasa kalau nda silap lah . haha . Serious nda rasa . Cepat gila . Raya minggu depan . Barang belum habis beli lagi nie . Sepatutnya hari ahad tu boleh tu tapi tapi beta jatuh gering lah pulaknya . Bangun2 sahur , badan panas , sakit perut , sakit kepala , pening2 . Ndada mood mau makan terus . Makan sikit sja lah . Habistu tidur . Bangun2 jam 8 , terus mandi then sambung lagi tidur balik hahaha . Habis tu dikasi bangun , cakap bersiap mau jalan .

Time tu kepala sakit tahap 938987483 oh . Time mau jalan tu , mom perasan " Okay ka ? Kenapa kau ni ? " Me : " sakit kepala , perut , mcam mau muntah " Mom : " Nda paya la kau ikut , nanti pengsan pulak . Mau pergi klinik ? " Ndamauuuu , nda mau aku jumpa doktor . Aku pun decided untuk berundur diri , hm hm sadlife . Hari yang aku tunggu2 nda jadi . Setelah 1 jam dok di rumah , tetiba Zie text .

Ziezi : " Di EP ka kau ? "
Me : " Kenapa ? Kau nampak mama ku ? Ndada tinggal aku . Sakit . Ughh "
Ziezi : " Ya , ada mama mu . Alaa kalau kau ada jalan2 kita . Sakit apa kau ? "
Me : " Iya , tu lah tu . Aihh mau jalan sudah aku tadi tu , tapi sakit kepala , sakit perut . Menyesal pula nda ikut bha . " 
Ziezi : " Aku pun sakit perut tadi . Tapi ku gagahkan juga diri ini . Haha " Me : " Mau la aku jalan . Minta ambil la aku . Mcam okay2 sudah ni . Haha . Shopping raya ka kau ? "
Ziezi : " Iyaa * le suggest kedai2 tudung yang comel2 hahaha "

Disitu lah diaa . Habis text Ziezi , terus call mama . " Mak di mana nie ? Heee ambil la aku . " Hahaha . Kena marah joo haha . Tapi not that bad lah . Last2 tu ku gagahkan juga diri ini pergi bandar . Ohyeahh haha . Sekalinya stuck 2 JAM di office mama . Seriously waeeee . Ada kerja la pula . Aku punya lah semangat , sekali nya bahaha . Jam 4 juga kami pergi jalan . Sempat beli baju sehelai sja . Haha kasiangg . Minggu depan lagi bilang ohyeahh . Cepatlah nda sabar nie . Cepatlah cuti , cepat lah weekend .

Oh and , haritu ada Majlis Khatam Al Quran . Best2 . Aku mati2 ingat aku boleh jumpa hati cinta sakalinya ndada tu anak . Hm begitu kau arrr . Serious bha haihh . We took some pictures ! Haha . 

Aku sayangg budak dua nie . Even yang kiri tu selalu marah aku . tsk tsk psstt diam2 arrr haha . Tapi diorang lah reason of my laughs and my tears . I don't know what I'd do without you cutie pies . I love you :****

 Sepanjang July , busy gila dengan projek KHB . Wanna see mine ? Ya , aku tau jeleks hahah . First time buat projek kayu . Shout out to my dad for always helping me . Love you dad . So muchh . Nasib baik siapp . Tapi aku nda berani guna gergaji di sekolah tu , seram oh . Ragu2 aku . Minta tolong diorang juga haha . First , potong . Then , cantum paku2 segala . Yusni tolong paku hari tu , mcam apa sja kami hahaha . Balik2 salah . Habis paku , kasi apa namanya tu , rata ? Hm apa2 lah . Then guna tepung penyumbat , tutup segala ' jerawat2 dan lubang2 ' yang meninggalkan kesan di kayu tu haha . Habistu , mengecat . Kena baju KP ku haha . Sikit sja lah . nda pa , kenangan gitu . Then , esok nya ambil , bawa pulang . Habis tu , hias2 and SIAP ! Pengalaman baruu . Memang best lah ! :D

Baru2 nie , Aina tetiba tanya aku " Nasha kau mau ka pergi check keceriaan kelas tingkatan 3 ? Nahh , aku nda boleh jalan nie . Sakit . " Time tu aku rasa doa ku dimakbulkan hahaha . Happy gilaaa . First mau ajak Zie , tapi dia dst. Akhirnya keluar dengan Fatima . Wahhh , best gilo . Tapi malu la haha . Masuk2 kelas . Tapi best2 . Cuma , sigh time pergi kelas hati cinta , DIORANG TIADA DI KELAS WOII . haihh baru aku teringat , diorang di bengkel pula kan . Haihh . Nda pa lah . Dpat juga information sikit bahaha . Yang aku jumpa , abang spek mata pujaan hati Ziezi hahaha . Itu sja . Hm2 . Dia mmg comel tapi hati cinta tetap cehhh . Jauhkan perasaan jiwang ini , tidaaaak . hahaha . Sekali aku masuk kelas , monyok Ziezi haha . Duckface terus tengok aku . Alalala , jangan la marah . Impian kami dua bha ni haha . Tapi dia dst tadii , jadi aku pergi sma orang lain lah :p sayang kau ziezi haha

Nda lama raya . Hari Raya hari bergembira kan ? So why so sad nasha ? Come on lah . Jangan sedih2 . Aku sayang kau . aku memang sayang diri sendiri bahaha siapa lagi mau syang aku lul . Raya harap dapat duit raya , mau beli jam harituuu . Yang comel gilos tu . Jam lagi . Nasha2 . Aku kan pengumpul jam tegar . Cewahh haha . 

But the saddest thing pasal raya nie , diorang mau pergi beraya lagi nanti di rumah cikgu . I know benda tu memang best tapi aku ? Pernah kamu fikir perasaan ku ? Pernah kamu ingat aku ? Pernah kamu fikir " macam mana si nasha ya ? " Nda pernah kan ? Gahhh raya kedua maybe pulang LD . Aku mau gila ikut diorang beraya tapi aku pun mau gila pulang LD . Rinduuu . 

Sudah tanya mama hari tu , raya nie pulang sana kah , tapi nda tau lagi . Habis tu tanya lagi kedua kalinya , " jadi nda paya lah kita pulang ? " ahhh tidakkk . Mestilah mau , tapi haish . Awal bha raya ketiga . Ishhh . Benci . Benci . Benci . Sadlife habis aku bha . Gahh .

Just wait and see lah . Nda pa lah aku nda dpat ikut diorang . hmmm :/ . 2 tahun sudah begini . Sedihnyaa . Classmate tahun nie semua sporting2 than lastyear . Harap kekal tahun depan :) . Asal dapat beraya rumag Fiqi , Ziezi , Shiema , Syera , okay sudah tu . Nda sabarya . ohyeahh . haha

Nda sedar pula panjang gila aku mencarut haha . Yelahh , babaii . Tata titi tutu , I love youuuu . That's all for tonight . August please be amazing . Selamat Hari Raya . Cehh awal lagi bha . Haha . Goodnight comels . Assalamualaikum .

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POSTED ON: Monday 1 July 2013 @ 08:24 | 0 comments


Good Morninggg . Awalkan aku bangun ? Haha Jangan jealous . Okay sorry perasans lols . So , as you guys know , hari nie July 1st sudah . Jadi ada looking forward for anything this month ? Hmm , aku tiada juga . But hopefully , this month would be awesome to me . No more stress , no more tears , no more arguments even agak impossible 

June was great . Nda banyak study dikelas sebab SUKAN ! haha . Okay , about sukan . Supersolo , not bad lahh . Even kalah sobs sobs . Nda pa lah, first time juga kan . Hoki was fun juga lah . Main dengan team ku . Kami semua newbies . Ndada goal bha bilangs . Sedihnya . Sudah lah time tu padang basah so agak berisiko untuk jatuh dengan gaya ala2 buat split .  Next year , bola tampar , i'm coming . Entah lah , yusni cakap aku pandai main haha . Okay perasan sekali lagi . But belum cuba , belum tahu rightt ?

Sukan Tara . Teka berapa aku dapat sumbang mata ? Memalukan , but 2 mata seja dari lompat tinggi . Hahaha . Okay la aku bukan atlet mcm kamuu haha . First , kami Satria pergi lompat jauh . Aihh , ini paling rugi bha . Batal , batal , batal . Shhh . Maybe sebab nervous kali tu lah terlajak . Haiyahh . Then , pergi lompat tinggi ! Okay ini fave aku :3 . I did it , I did it haha .

Day 2 , sukan tara . Firstly pergi LARI . Aihh . Ini pun rugi . Nasha2 . Cg cakap kalau perempuan 12 saat seja . I was like " Wha.. " 12 seconds sound impossible for an innocent human being like me *muka comel . Okay and yes , aku mmg nda dapat . I think sebab aku nda pecut kali . Aku lari rilek2 seja , malas kencang2 . HAHAH . Syang juga nda dpat sebenarnya . Nvm lahh .

Balapan & padang . Okay yang ini aku nda ikut apa2 haha . Menganggur tepi padang seja kami dengan payung dan snacks . Sambil stalk manusia2 yang comels haha gila . Sukan balapan & padang penyebab aku sakit . Skejap panas , then hujan , panas lagi , hujan lagi . Aihh , sakit kepala . But best juga lah 3 days dengan budak dua tu . No study haha . 

And then tibalah , hari penutupan sukan tahunan tu , theres something unexpected happened . Demo silat for the first time . Honestly , aku rasa BEST . haha . at first mcm , aihh ndamau bha aku . Tapi these two things aku nda akan lupa . 1. Kami buat persembahan menghadap astaka . 2. Pelajar sch nampak dari jauh seja . Ohyeah ohyeah . Entah kenapa ,but aku nda juga rasa nervous pun . Biasanya boleh gila sendiri aku begitu haha . Tapi perasaan malu memang confirm dan pasti ada . lols

And then , cutiii . Apalagi jalans lah haha . First stop , Big Apple . Lama nda makan donuts . Haha . 

Then , pusing2 habistu pulanglah . Nanti lagi bday Shiema kita jalanss . Okay ? Haha . 

And then June pun ended . Seminggu seja masuk kelas dalam bulan June nie . Habistu di padang seja . Memang (y) lah .  Oh , result . Fuhh , seram k seram . Result sudah tau . Number seja belum . Puas hati juga lah . Kecuali Maths dengan Bm . Sobs sobs . Maths maybe ada harapan kalau aku nda CUAI . Bm rasa nya mmg tiada kali haha . Komsas baituu . I hate komsas okayy . Geo sepatutnya B , tapi thank you so muchhhh cg sebab kesiankan kami nie . Sedihnyaa . :") terharu kay . Haha . 

Ini seja aku mampu . I hope mom and dad nda marah okay . I'll try my best lagi nanti hujung tahun . Love you . Sayang nda dpat straight As . hmphh .

See you next year , June . And by that I'll be 15 and maybe still lagi gila2 here . So , July , here's the deal . Be nice to me and everything's going to be alright . Okay ? Easy right ? Oh I heard report card this Thursday . Aihh this thing scares me . But wish me luck lah nda kena marah kan . haha :)

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Q & A

POSTED ON: Sunday 16 June 2013 @ 00:33 | 0 comments

Since it was my birthday so , here we go .

Birthday Girl

POSTED ON: @ 00:04 | 0 comments


Happy birthday to meeeee , happy birthday to meeee ! So , tuan punya blogger turned 14 today and we should celebrate that . Get your balloons , cakes and presents kay haha .

Rasa macam tua pula kan , haha . Nda lama lagi 15 , 16 , 17 . woahh . That's not happening . Rasa macam cepat gila masa berlalu . Macam baru seja birthday ku yang ke 13 and sekarang Imma 14 sudah . Birthday yang ke 13 , i didn't do anything tho . Disebabkan time tu cuti sekolah , so I was just at home , lying on bed , just tweeting . That's all . Malam baru makan cake .

Ahhh , I love cakes . Semua flavour aku sukaaa . Kalau cake sepotong tu pun jadilah . Tahun nie , aku minta cake oreo bha tapi nampaknya nda dapat . Nda apa lah . Aku nda mau menyusahkan . Banyak sudah aku shopping nie . Minta beli itu lah , ini lah . Enough la .

Alhamdulillah , terima kasih ya Allah , sebab masih lagi berikan aku peluang untuk hidup sampai aku berumur 14 tahun . Aku bersyukur sangat2 . So , balik kepada topik tadi , le me waiting sampai 12am . Terdetiknya 12am , aku dapat one message which is my favourite birthday message this year . Tersentuh gila k tersentuh . Dia lah orang pertama kasi nangis aku when I once turned 14 haha . Menangis terharu okay . Huu

Thank you , Ziezi . Thank you , Fiqi . Thank you , Shiema . Thank you , Tika . Thank you , Syahirah . Thank you , Yusni . Thank you , Myra . Thank you , Nursyam xD . Thank you , abang kurus . Thank you , Cairel . Thank you , adik kepada so called cousin ku haha . Thank you , Acap . Thank you , Iwan . Thank you , everyone . And the most thank you , my parents for bringing me to this world . I love you guys to the moon and back . Always remember that okay .

When I woke up , on the couch , wearing a green big sweater , with a big smile on my face haha , I got a message which made me a little happy AT FIRST . When I checked it out , it was from CELCOM . I'm telling you , CELCOM . ughh . I've always loved morning birthday message but not from youu.

No one remembered my birthday there , until I TOLD THEM BY MYSELF . How sadd , but I'm still happy lah . I went lepak with my cousin and I was like " Kau tau ka hari nie 5 Jun ? " he was like " Kenapa ? " My adik was like " Birthday nya " My cousin was like " Eh yakah , happy birthdayyy :) " alala thank youuuu :')

And then it spread so fast haha . Not everyone knows lah but my family ja . EVERYONE WAS SO NICE TO ME THERE . I wanted to go to the beach on my birthday because I LAFF BEACH kay . But nahhh , we just went to sungai jee . Sekali sekala celebrate macam budak kampung kann . Kalau di bandar ,mesti pergi bandar celebrate . But this time , mandi sungai seja . HAHA .

Ah , sungai pun jadi lah . Best juga , main dengan diorang haha . It just , one thing I wish he was there too . I wish he knew about my birthday even though I mean nothing to you ._. And then pulang , and the special part is time pulang , masa kami dalam kereta , they were like " eh hari jadi si sasa hari nie , wish lah dia " and they were like " Happy Bithdayyyyy " I was there like thank you , shy shy haha gilaa .

It was awesome juga lah . And then esok nya , guess pergi mana ?? My favourite place lah , at the BEACH ! haha . Lama nda pergi pantai tu , memang banyak changes . Tapi memang best gilaaaa . Aku pandai sudah berenang ! HAHAHA . Serious ni , pandai sudah sikit . Bergerak sudah hahaha . Sebelum ni , nda boleh . Yayy , best nyaaaa .

But , I think I still haven't had the ' best birthday ever ' . Aku sendiri pun ndatau mau birthday macam mana haha . But aku still bersyukurlah dapat celebrate daripada ndada kan ? hee thanks guys . Melaviooo :*

Thanks for a great birthday :)

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